Excerpt from Chapter 2
Taking Stock
You're facing a Career Crisis.
Your life in some way has changed, this change was unexpected.
This change was caused by an event in your life that knocked you off your feet.
This was an ending to the life you once knew, a disconnection.
Your routines, roles and plans for the future were interrupted. You were dazed and in shock.
Nothing felt the same.
This Career Crisis is how you are experiencing, internally this transition.
From your old way of living, to a new chapter. You are stuck, lost somewhere in between an ending and a new beginning.
Life is a journey of continual transitions. You are continually experiencing endings, moving into new beginnings and moving on. Transitions can be big or small, expected or unexpected, impactful or non-impactful, positive or negative. Depending on your resources, sense of self and coping strategies, transitions can be stressful and lengthy.
This one however, felt different, more important and more meaningful. You have survived this change, the aftermath and been through the waves of emotions that come with change.
You are here now, the dust is beginning to settle and are left with a dreaded fear of uncertainty about the future. Who am I now after this change? Where am I headed? You are in a Career Crisis. You are feeling lost, scared, and worried about what you really want to do. You may be searching for something more meaningful that provides you with a sense of purpose.
Before you can begin to make any decisions about the future, it is important to take stock, understand where you are now and reflect on where you have been.
Where are you through this transition journey?
I am safe to assume, the reason you are reading this post is that you are facing career uncertainty.
How does it feel to not know?
It is common to feel anxious, stressed, worried and scared about your unknown future. Some people are fine with a little bit of uncertainty, other people can’t stand it.
A way to take stock is to rate your life and career as it is now.
This is done by unpacking each area of your life and identifying what it means to you, then giving it a rating out of 10. 1 being not so good and 10 being amazing.
What does love mean to you?

What does wellness mean to you?

What does career mean to you?

What does play mean to you?

Reflection Time
Looking at each area of your life, what do you notice?
Is there one particular area you would like to be higher?
Now you understand where you are, it is about doing something little every day to bring that rating up.
What is one step you can do today?
When you have taken your first step, I’d love to hear from you!
Organise your FREE Discovery Session I look forward to catching up.
