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Rebuilding from your strengths and interests up.

Writer: Angela WilsonAngela Wilson

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

Preview Chapter 9- Rebuilding from your strengths and interests up.


In the previous article - Let's explore for clues, you got to know your strengths.

This time we are going further and will continue to build from your strengths up.

You will be doing this by using the language of the world of work.

Go to;

- Pick the first job on the list - don’t worry what the job is for.
- Scan the job descriptions for skills that resonate and relate to you.
- Claim these skills and add them to your strengths and want lists.

For example - I saw a job description for a Teacher and Leadership advisor and I resonated with the words

- close the education gap, flexible work practices, allowance and time off work for personal development.

These went straight to my want list.

Then I found a general manger for a yacht club.

I resonated with the words facilitate year-round enjoyment for members, setting an example and providing effective, enjoyable, meaningful, and high-quality services and activities.

These went to my strengths list.

Do this with 3 other random jobs in total or until you can’t add any more to your lists.

Have fun with this activity!


Ever since I can remember I have followed my interests.

I found it much easier in high school to use this approach than the advice from my careers advisor.

My interests have taken me on a unique and non-traditional career path once I let them take the lead.

This book is a testament to following my interest of writing and sharing my knowledge.

What interests you?

What do you find yourself gravitating to in your spare time or wanting to be doing when you are busy?

An interest can be something you just enjoy doing or could potentially become much more than that.

Let’s get curious about your interests and explore them with no judgement or filter.

You can explore your interests through list-making and mind mapping.

Begin by making a list below of all the things you are interested in, what you like doing with your time, TV shows you like to watch, websites, people, places, things and something really special to you.
















Mind Mapping

Let's go even further with your interests.

I love a good mind map.

This is one thing I go to when I find the thoughts swirling around in my mind to messy for journaling.

On a blank sheet of paper write the word interests in the middle and circle it.

Draw lines coming from this centre circle, adding the interests from your list as a starting point.

Keep expanding each interest with whatever comes to mind, until there is nothing left to say.

Place this aside and leave it for a while.

Reflection Time

Come back to your mind map and notice if anything stands out to you.

Is something grabbing your attention that you would like to explore further.

Is there a pattern or theme? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This is what interests you now.

If you would like to dive deeper with your strengths and interests one on one, organise your FREE Discover Session.

I look forward to catching up.


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