Chapter 5 preview
I don’t want to… every day there are choices to be made - big or small.
When going through an unexpected change in our career or life such as a natural disaster, death or redundancy, they are out of our control, and decisions are made for us.
Looking back on all our experiences can give us clues as to what we don’t want to live through again or don’t want in our career moving forward.
Go back through your career journey and in each experience list what you didn’t enjoy. You will find some examples below.
Being yelled at
Long commute Smelling horrible
Violence at work
Rude customers
Working long hours
Taking work home
Unable to turn off emails
Low pay
No flexibility
Made redundant
Over-bearing co-worker
Unsupportive environment
Work in isolation
Other: _____________________________________________________________
Other: _____________________________________________________________
Other: _____________________________________________________________
Other: _____________________________________________________________
Other: _____________________________________________________________
Other: _____________________________________________________________
Let’s be clear.
No job or person is perfect.
You will come across the good, bad, and horrible in any role you are in.
What matters is your perspective.
It may be interesting to note, how easy it was for you to define what you don’t want.
If you would like to discuss your career journey and experiences further, organise your FREE Discover Session.
I look forward to catching up.
