Preview of Chapter 10 -Alternatives | Options | Opportunities
This chapter is all about opening your mind to new possibilities and expanding your thinking outside of where you currently are now.
It’s about being curious, getting creative, and exploring your career.

Start with your last job and place it in the centre of Your Career Directional.

Beginning with the logical hierarchy.
If you are not sure, Google ‘career progression’, ‘career ladder’ for the role.
e.g. If I put classroom primary teacher in the middle, then you can become a leading teacher, head of school, deputy principal and principal.

Niche / Specialties - What types of specialties are there for
this role?
e.g. PE Teacher, Art, ESL, Literacy, Wellbeing Coach, Tutor

What other industries are calling it.
This can be done by a simple synonym search.
e.g. educator, facilitator, instructor, coach, supervisor, lecturer, learning officer, advisor, guide, mentor, trainer.

Cross industries - If you were to step outside of your current industry what other directions can you go?
In primary teaching, you can go into kindergartens, creches, high school, universities, community centres, TAFE, private providers, fitness.
What insights did you gain from this activity?
You can do this activity with any role you would like to know more about.
This will require you to research the role and industry.
A few good places to begin your research are:
careerhq.com.au for language, terminology, progressions, acronyms.
Learn more about alternatives, options and opportunities by organising your FREE Discover Session.
I look forward to exploring this further with you.
